The Wizard Nebula
Object: NGC 7380 The Wizard Nebula
This image of the open star cluster NGC 7380, also known as the Wizard Nebula, is an image compiled of 3 different filters Sulphur 2, Oxygen 3 and Hydrogen Alpha. NGC 7380 is located in the constellation Cepheus about 7,000 light-years from Earth within the Milky Way Galaxy. The star cluster is embedded in a nebula, which spans some 110 light-years. The stars of NGC 7380 have emerged from this star-forming region in the last 5 million years or so, making it a relatively young cluster.
Rights Statement: Copyright, Julio Encarnacion, 2022
Acquisition Dates: 10-2-2022 – 10-03-2022
Published Date: October 3, 2022
Location: Driveway, Land o Lakes, Florida.
Optics: Celestron EDGE HD 9.25
Mount: Sky-Watcher EQ6R-Pro
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (mono)
Filters: Astrodon – Ha (5nm); SII (3nm); OIII (3nm)
Guiding: ZWO L-OAG with ASI174MM-MINI
Gain: 100
Cooling: 14F
Integration: Ha (30×300”); SII (30X300”); OII (30X300”)
Software: Mount Control: EQMOD; Acquisition, Guiding, Polar Alignment: ZWO ASIAIR Plus; Processing: Pixinisght 1.8.9 and Adobe Photoshop